..and my house is a hive of activity.. of all the wrong kind :( This summer has been tough, there have been issues with my eldest DS (hopefully resolved) and the little ones are cranky being stuck indoors... yes, here in Ireland it rains all summer long... but it also rains all winter long.. lol. Hmm... come to think of it, the only time we get a good stretch of sunshine is the first weeks in September, right after the kids go back to school. It's always been that way, I remember it from my school days. Sitting in school, staring out the window.. just about baking in our school uniform... ugh!!!!
Scrapping time is at a premium lately, I've just about been keeping up with my swaps. Still waiting on a set of ATC's from one person.. ahem.. no names mentioned.. So instead of nice scrappy postings I will ramble on about what's going on in this VERY Desperate Housewife's life..
In the past few weeks I've sold 6 mini albums. I never set out to sell my stuff, I just enjoy making them so much and suddenly had 15 of them sitting in a drawer (although I confess that some were not finished off completely). I sold one, by chance, and decided that maybe I could continue to make albums if I sold some of them... So after much bullying... erm.. I mean encouragement from
Dee Dee I brought them to the montly crop I host and I sold 5 more!!! There is one in particular that I was very sad to see go, and fully intend to remake it for myself ;)
It's a strange feeling when you first sell something.. initially there is the uncomfortable feeling of charging someone for the album, then there is the shock that they actually want to buy it!! Then comes the buzz of 'OMG, I SOLD AN ALBUM. SOMEONE LIKED IT SO MUCH THAT THEY PAID MONEY FOR IT!!!! YAY!!!' So after much to-ing and fro-ing I have decided to finish off all the ones in the drawer and list them on ebay. If they sell, they sell.. if not, then I will give them away as gifts, LOL!!! Business Woman of the Year I am not ;)
I have just quickly glanced up and what caught my eye only the lovely MR House my good friend Dee Dee sent. I love the house, I am so thrilled that I have that house... but oh boy is that house a bone of contention.. I am terrified to start it in case I make a total mess of it. As always it's not available here so I only get one shot at it and I want it to be perfect, or as near to perfection as possible!! I still think I should have received it fully embellished ;) (just kidding!!)
So what else..... ummm.... gosh, even I didn't realise my life was this boring, LOL!!!
oooh, oooh, oooh.. have y'all seen the latest from CHA??? ... seriously people, I need it all!!!! Especially the MME papers.. ALL of them!!!! And Cosmo Cricket Halloween?? NEED, NEED, MUST HAVE ;) Speaking of Cosmo Cricket Halloween, check
THIS out.. it's wonderful!!! To have such talent.. *sigh*..
Expect some 12x12's from me in the near future. I have been sifting though the mountain of pictures I had printed! Now all I need is the time to work on them....