This is the layout I made during the week. The recent picture of me is the ONLY one I've had taken in years that I like (hence having it on just about every profile!). The photos were taken in 1978, 1988 and 2008. I am soooooooo stuck for a title on this one.. suggestions are totally welcome :)

I am working on a DLO at the moment that is testing my creative side to the limit. It's so not me, but it's a challenge I'm enjoying :)
Absolutely love the layout out. Excellent colours. Titles always stump me too....
How about ... Changing times? Going through changes?
lovely lo Sandie. No idea for title. F.
Where's the one taken in 1998? :-)
It's a beautiful photo, I am not surprise you use it so often. I am not sure about the title, maybe "3 times ME"?
I love the colors you chose. I'd title it better than ever, or something to that effect. You look stunning in the center pic.
Is that dog real in the youngest pic? :)
Great idea for a LO, you look so different with short hair!
What about for a title: Me, Myself and I?
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