It's plain and simple but it met all the requirements. Monochromatic layout with a contrasting embellishment, and something handcut. My swirl was both the contrasting embellie and the handcut item, so maybe that was taking a shortcut?? Anyhoo... this is the layout that won..... (hope the winner won't mind me posting the pic.. )
My personal favourite from the competition has to be......

.... and this was made by a 'cardie'!!!! Oh the shame of it! And I dare to call myself a scrapper?? I fell in love with this layout the minute I saw it, but I don't know why... I just love it!!
Anyhooo... I have so much I need to do. I have 2 paperbag albums, one tag book, one circle journal and one word book to get done in the next week or so. I have the best part of the word book done, it just needs the finishing touches. I'm quite excited about it as it turned out better than I had hoped!
I am really looking forward to getting into doing the paperbag albums... I am enjoying altered art much more than scrapping lately (I know this is because I need to sort out my pictures though, so I'm putting it off!!!) . I have just about everything I need to complete them thanks to shopping around and various people sending me stuff (much appreciated!!).
I recently made a 'thing'... I have to call it a 'thing' because it is for a very dear person who I know lurks around here! (BIG WAVE TO SHEILA.... HI HUN!!!!) Have you ever noticed that 'things' are hard to do, because you need to take into consideration that what you like is not necesssarily what they like. And your idea of 'cool' may be their idea of 'gawdy' LOL! Well it's done now...still not shipped.. (yikes!) but done!!!
The MMonroe one is very interesting. You should do a layout of your Tiffany's jewelry.
Sandie, thanks for your vote in my LO. I'm so thrilled cos it was my first LO as a "cardie". Poor Marilyn is heaped in with other stuff cos I don't even have a scrapbook!
BTW, as a "scrapper" your cards ROCK.
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